by Marty Fay
videos Cine Devine
As always, it was a mixture of the familiar and the new. There were musicians and songs that have thrilled previous House Party audiences, as well as new performers and songs that have not visited the House Party before now.
She actually arrived in New York City a few days earlier and spent some time with the NYC crew.
Friday night she was backed by Vince Giordano (on his multitude of instruments), Dan Levinson (on reeds), Tom Palinko (on drums) and Jeff Barnhart (on keyboards). She also featured some vocal duties by Vince and Jeff. The charts gave the show more structure than we usually rely upon.
Banu Gibson – Vocal
Mike Davis – Trumpet
Dan Levinson – Reeds
Jim Fryer – Trombone
Dalton Ridenhour – Piano
Vince Giordano – Bass
Kevin Dorn – Drums
New for this year was Jeff’s depiction of a NYC crew and suburban crew.
China Boy
Big Noise From Winnetka featured Tom Palinko drums.
The NYC crew included Vince, Dan, Jim Fryer (on trombone and other brass instruments), Kevin Dorn (on drums), Dalton Ridenhour (on keyboards) and Mike Davis (on trumpet). Dalton and Mike were new to the House Party and performed well beyond their years. Note their names because you will be hearing more about them as time goes on. They were great new additions.
Shake It and Break It
Canal Street Blues
Jeff & Dalton play 4-handed piano – Everybody Loves My Baby
As usual, sometimes tunes were called that some of the band members did not know. Either a quick series of notes from another musician or a quick professional ear always seems to result in solid performances that the audience enjoyed without feeling that anything sounded the slightest bit off.
In keeping with the freewheeling spirit, Jeff and Joel added groupings and performances as the show went forward.
Chris Fennimore came from Pittsburgh once again to enjoy the weekend and add his banjo talents to some of Joel’s sing along specialties.
Joel caught the structured feeling and scheduled tributes to Firehouse Five + 2, Turk Murphy, and Clancy Hayes.
Personally, I can hardly wait for Eric Devine’s You Tube offerings. It was a great weekend and created great memories.
Marty Fay, J&JHP Volunteer & washboard player
Photos Eric and Sheral Devine
More CineDevine Videos:
I Don’t Know Enough About You – Banu
That’s a Plenty NYC Crew
Bluin’ The Blues
At The Jazz Band Ball – in 3 styles
Storyville Blues